Social Icons


суббота, 8 мая 2010 г.

JSE: String to XML


public static Document parseXml(String szMessage){
 Document theDocument = null;
  DocumentBuilderFactory theFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
  DocumentBuilder theBuilder = theFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

  ByteArrayInputStream theStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( szMessage.getBytes() );
  theDocument = theBuilder.parse(theStream);

  if( theDocument == null) throw new Exception("theDocument == null");
  if( theDocument.getDocumentElement() == null) throw new Exception("theDocument.getDocumentElement() == null");
 catch(Exception ex){
  System.out.println("Can't transform message to XML document. " + ex.getMessage() );
  theDocument = null;
 return theDocument;


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