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суббота, 18 июня 2016 г.

SQL error messages and exceptions (Apache Derby)

Table 1. Class 01: Warning
SQLSTATE Message Text
01001 An attempt to update or delete an already deleted row was made: No row was updated or deleted.
01003 Null values were eliminated from the argument of a column function.
01006 Privilege not revoked from <authorizationID>.
0100E XX Attempt to return too many result sets.
01500 The constraint <constraintName> on table <tableName> has been dropped.
01501 The view <viewName> has been dropped.
01502 The trigger <triggerName> on table <tableName> has been dropped.
01503 The column <columnName> on table <tableName> has been modified by adding a not null constraint.
01504 The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: <indexName>.
01505 The value <valueName> may be truncated.
01522 The newly defined synonym '<synonymName>' resolved to the object '<objectName>' which is currently undefined.
01J01 Database '<databaseName>' not created, connection made to existing database instead.
01J02 Scroll sensitive cursors are not currently implemented.
01J04 The class '<className>' for column '<columnName>' does not implement or java.sql.SQLData. Instances must implement one of these interfaces to allow them to be stored.
01J05 Database upgrade succeeded. The upgraded database is now ready for use. Revalidating stored prepared statements failed. See next exception for details of failure.
01J06 ResultSet not updatable. Query does not qualify to generate an updatable ResultSet.
01J07 ResultSetHoldability restricted to ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT for a global transaction.
01J08 Unable to open resultSet type <resultSetType>. ResultSet type <resultSetType> opened.
01J10 Scroll sensitive result sets are not supported by server; remapping to forward-only cursor
01J12 Unable to obtain message text from server. See the next exception. The stored procedure SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE is not installed on the server. Please contact your database administrator.
01J13 Number of rows returned (<number>) is too large to fit in an integer; the value returned will be truncated.
01J14 SQL authorization is being used without first enabling authentication.
Table 2. Class 04: Database authentication
SQLSTATE Message Text
04501 Database connection refused.
Table 3. Class 07: Dynamic SQL Error
SQLSTATE Message Text
07000 At least one parameter to the current statement is uninitialized.
07004 Parameter <parameterName> is an <procedureName> procedure parameter and must be registered with CallableStatement.registerOutParameter before execution.
07009 No input parameters.
Table 4. Class 08: Connection Exception
SQLSTATE Message Text
08000 Connection closed by unknown interrupt.
08000 Cannot close a connection with an active transaction. The transaction remains open and the connection was not closed.
08001 A connection could not be established because the security token is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001 A connection could not be established because the user id has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001 A connection could not be established because the password has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001 Required property <propertyName> not set.
08001 <error> : Error connecting to server <serverName> on port <portNumber> with message <messageText>.
08001 SocketException: '<error>'
08001 Unable to open stream on socket: '<error>'.
08001 User id length (<number>) is outside the range of 1 to <number>.
08001 Password length (<value>) is outside the range of 1 to <number>.
08001 User id can not be null.
08001 Password can not be null.
08001 A connection could not be established because the database name '<databaseName>' is larger than the maximum length allowed by the network protocol.
08003 No current connection.
08003 getConnection() is not valid on a closed PooledConnection.
08003 Lob method called after connection was closed
08003 The underlying physical connection is stale or closed.
08004 Connection refused : <connectionName>
08004 Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason: <reasonText>.
08004 The connection was refused because the database <databaseName> was not found.
08006 An error occurred during connect reset and the connection has been terminated. See chained exceptions for details.
08006 Database '<databaseName>' shutdown.
Table 5. Class 0A: Feature not supported
SQLSTATE Message Text
0A000 Feature not implemented: <featureName>.
0A000 The DRDA command <commandName> is not currently implemented. The connection has been terminated.
0A000 JDBC method is not yet implemented.
0A000 JDBC method <methodName> is not supported by the server. Please upgrade the server.
0A000 resultSetHoldability property <propertyName> not supported
0A000 cancel() not supported by the server.
0A000 Security mechanism '<mechanismName>' is not supported.
0A000 The data type '<datatypeName>' is not supported.
Table 6. Class 21: Cardinality Violation
SQLSTATE Message Text
21000 Scalar subquery is only allowed to return a single row.
Table 7. Class 22: Data Exception
SQLSTATE Message Text
22001 A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink <value> '<value>' to length <value>.
22003 The resulting value is outside the range for the data type <datatypeName>.
22003 Year (<value>) exceeds the maximum '<value>'.
22003 Decimal may only be up to 31 digits.
22003 Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion of '<datatypeName>' to <datatypeName>.
22004 The length (<number>) exceeds the maximum length for the data type (<datatypeName>).
22005 Unable to convert a value of type '<typeName>' to type '<typeName>' : the encoding is not supported.
22005 The required character converter is not available.
22005 Unicode string cannot convert to Ebcdic string
22005 Unrecognized JDBC type. Type: <typeName>, columnCount: <value>, columnIndex: <value>.
22005 Invalid JDBC type for parameter <parameterName>.
22005 Unrecognized Java SQL type <datatypeName>.
22005 An attempt was made to get a data value of type '<datatypeName>' from a data value of type '<datatypeName>'.
22007 The string representation of a datetime value is out of range.
22007 The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect.
22008 '<argument>' is an invalid argument to the <functionName> function.
2200L Values assigned to XML columns must be well-formed DOCUMENT nodes.
2200M Failed to parse XMLPARSE operand; see next exception for details.
2200V Invalid context item for <operatorName> operator; context items must be well-formed DOCUMENT nodes.
2200W XQuery serialization error: Attempted to serialize one or more top-level Attribute nodes.
22011 The second or third argument of the SUBSTR function is out of range.
22012 Attempt to divide by zero.
22013 Attempt to take the square root of a negative number, '<value>'.
22014 The start position for LOCATE is invalid; it must be a positive integer. The index to start the search from is '<index>'. The string to search for is '<index>'. The string to search from is '<index>'.
22015 Invalid data conversion: requested conversion would result in a loss of precision of <value>
22015 The '<functionName>' function is not allowed on the following set of types. First operand is of type '<typeName>'. Second operand is of type '<typeName>'. Third operand (start position) is of type '<typeName>'.
22018 Invalid character string format for type <typeName>.
22019 Invalid escape sequence, '<sequenceName>'. The escape string must be exactly one character. It cannot be a null or more than one character.
22025 Escape character must be followed by escape character, '_', or '%'. It cannot be followed by any other character or be at the end of the pattern.
22027 The built-in TRIM() function only supports a single trim character. The LTRIM() and RTRIM() built-in functions support multiple trim characters.
22028 The string exceeds the maximum length of <number>.
22501 An ESCAPE clause of NULL returns undefined results and is not allowed.
Table 8. Class 23: Constraint Violation
SQLSTATE Message Text
23502 Column '<columnName>' cannot accept a NULL value.
23503 <value> on table '<tableName>' caused a violation of foreign key constraint '<constraintName>' for key <keyName>. The statement has been rolled back.
23505 The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by '<value>' defined on '<value>'.
23513 The check constraint '<constraintName>' was violated while performing an INSERT or UPDATE on table '<tableName>'.
Table 9. Class 24: Invalid Cursor State
SQLSTATE Message Text
24000 Invalid cursor state - no current row.
24501 The identified cursor is not open.
Table 10. Class 25: Invalid Transaction State
SQLSTATE Message Text
25000 Invalid transaction state.
25001 Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.
25501 Unable to set the connection read-only property in an active transaction.
25502 An SQL data change is not permitted for a read-only connection, user or database.
25503 DDL is not permitted for a read-only connection, user or database.
25505 A read-only user or a user in a read-only database is not permitted to disable read-only mode on a connection.
Table 11. Class 28: Invalid Authorization Specification
SQLSTATE Message Text
28501 Invalid database authorization property '<value>=<value>'.
28502 The user name '<authorizationID>' is not valid.
28503 User(s) '<authorizationID>' must not be in both read-only and full-access authorization lists.
28504 Repeated user(s) '<authorizationID>' in access list '<listName>';
28505 Internal Error: invalid <authorizationID> id in statement permission list.
28506 User '<authorizationID>' does not have <permissionType> permission on table '<schemaNamet>'.'<tableName>'.
28507 User '<authorizationID>' does not have <permissionType> permission on table '<schemaNamet>'.'<tableName>' for grant.
28508 User '<authorizationID>' does not have <permissionType> permission on column '<columnName>' of table '<schemaName>'.'<tableName>'.
28509 User '<authorizationID>' does not have <permissionType> permission on column '<columnName>' of table '<schemaName>'.'<tableName>' for grant.
2850A User '<authorizationID>' does not have execute permission on <objectName> '<schemaName>'.'<tableName>'.
2850B User '<authorizationID>' does not have execute permission on <objectName> '<schemaName>'.'<tableName>'. for grant.
2850C User '<authorizationID>' is not the owner of <objectName> '<schemaName>'.'<tableName>'.
2850D User '<authorizationID>' can not perform the operation in schema '<schemaName>'.
2850E User '<authorizationID>' can not create schema '<schemaName>'. Only database owner could issue this statement.
2850F Specified grant or revoke operation is not allowed on object '<objectName>'.
2850G User '<authorizationID>' does not have <permissionName> permission on object '<schemaName>'.'<objectName>'.
Table 12. Class 2D: Invalid Transaction Termination
SQLSTATE Message Text
2D521 setAutoCommit(true) invalid during global transaction.
2D521 COMMIT or ROLLBACK invalid for application execution environment.
Table 13. Class 38: External Function Exception
SQLSTATE Message Text
38000 The exception '<exception>' was thrown while evaluating an expression.
38001 The external routine is not allowed to execute SQL statements.
38002 The routine attempted to modify data, but the routine was not defined as MODIFIES SQL DATA.
38004 The routine attempted to read data, but the routine was not defined as READS SQL DATA.
Table 14. Class 39: External Routine Invocation Exception
SQLSTATE Message Text
39004 A NULL value cannot be passed to a method which takes a parameter of primitive type '<type>'.
Table 15. Class 3B: Invalid SAVEPOINT
SQLSTATE Message Text
3B001 SAVEPOINT, <savepoint> does not exist or is not active in the current transaction.
3B002 The maximum number of savepoints has been reached.
3B501 A SAVEPOINT with the passed name already exists in the current transaction.
3B502 A RELEASE or ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT was specified, but the savepoint does not exist.
Table 16. Class 40: Transaction Rollback
SQLSTATE Message Text
40001 A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock, cycle of locks and waiters is: <value>. The selected victim is XID : <value>.
40XC0 Dead statement. This may be caused by catching a transaction severity error inside this statement.
40XD0 Container has been closed.
40XD1 Container was opened in read-only mode.
40XD2 Container <containerName> cannot be opened; it either has been dropped or does not exist.
40XL1 A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
40XL2 A lock could not be obtained within the time requested. The lockTable dump is: <tableDump>
40XT0 An internal error was identified by RawStore module.
40XT1 An exception was thrown during transaction commit.
40XT2 An exception was thrown during rollback of a SAVEPOINT.
40XT4 An attempt was made to close a transaction that was still active. The transaction has been aborted.
40XT5 Exception thrown during an internal transaction.
40XT6 Database is in quiescent state, cannot activate transaction. Please wait for a moment till it exits the quiescent state.
40XT7 Operation is not supported in an internal transaction.
Table 17. Class 42: Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
SQLSTATE Message Text
42000 Syntax error or access rule violation; see additional errors for details.
42601 In an ALTER TABLE statement, the column '<columnName>' has been specified as NOT NULL and either the DEFAULT clause was not specified or was specified as DEFAULT NULL.
42601 ALTER TABLE statement cannot add an IDENTITY column to a table.
42605 The number of arguments for function '<functionName>' is incorrect.
42606 An invalid hexadecimal constant starting with '<number>' has been detected.
42610 All the arguments to the COALESCE/VALUE function cannot be parameters. The function needs at least one argument that is not a parameter.
42611 The length, precision, or scale attribute for column, or type mapping '<value>' is not valid.
42613 Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the '<clause>' clause are present.
42621 A check constraint or generated column that is defined with '<value>' is invalid.
42622 The name '<name>' is too long. The maximum length is '<number>'.
42734 Name '<name>' specified in context '<context>' is not unique.
42802 The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
42803 An expression containing the column '<columnName>' appears in the SELECT list and is not part of a GROUP BY clause.
42815 The replacement value for '<value>' is invalid.
42815 The data type, length or value of arguments '<value>' and '<value>' is incompatible.
42818 Comparisons between '<value>' and 'value1>' are not supported.
42820 The floating point literal '<string>' contains more than 30 characters.
42821 Columns of type '<type>' cannot hold values of type '<type>'.
42824 An operand of LIKE is not a string, or the first operand is not a column.
42831 '<columnName>' cannot be a column of a primary key or unique key because it can contain null values.
42834 SET NULL cannot be specified because FOREIGN KEY '<key>' cannot contain null values.
42837 ALTER TABLE '<tableName>' specified attributes for column '<columnName>' that are not compatible with the existing column.
42846 Cannot convert types '<type>' to '<type>'.
42877 A qualified column name '<columnName>' is not allowed in the ORDER BY clause.
42884 No authorized routine named '<routineName>' of type '<type>' having compatible arguments was found.
42886 '<value>' parameter '<value>' requires a parameter marker '?'.
42894 DEFAULT value or IDENTITY attribute value is not valid for column '<columnName>'.
428C1 Only one identity column is allowed in a table.
428EK The qualifier for a declared global temporary table name must be SESSION.
42903 Invalid use of an aggregate function.
42908 The CREATE VIEW statement does not include a column list.
42915 Foreign Key '<key>' is invalid because '<value>'.
42916 Synonym '<synonym2>' cannot be created for '<synonym1>' as it would result in a circular synonym chain.
42939 An object cannot be created with the schema name '<schemaNamet>'.
42962 Long column type column or parameter '<columnName>' not permitted in declared global temporary tables or procedure definitions.
42972 An ON clause associated with a JOIN operator is not valid.
42995 The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables.
42X01 Syntax error: <error>.
42X02 <value>.
42X03 Column name '<columnName>' is in more than one table in the FROM list.
42X04 Column '<columnName>' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then '<columnName>' is not a column in the target table.
42X05 Table/View '<objectName>' does not exist.
42X06 Too many result columns specified for table '<tableName>'.
42X07 Null is only allowed in a VALUES clause within an INSERT statement.
42X08 The constructor for class '<className>' cannot be used as an external virtual table because the class does not implement '<constructorName>'.
42X09 The table or alias name '<tableName>' is used more than once in the FROM list.
42X10 '<tableName>' is not an exposed table name in the scope in which it appears.
42X12 Column name '<columnName>' appears more than once in the CREATE TABLE statement.
42X13 Column name '<columnName>' appears more than once times in the column list of an INSERT statement.
42X14 '<columnName>' is not a column in table or VTI '<value>'.
42X15 Column name '<columnName>' appears in a statement without a FROM list.
42X16 Column name '<columnName>' appears multiple times in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement.
42X17 In the Properties list of a FROM clause, the value '<value>' is not valid as a joinOrder specification. Only the values FIXED and UNFIXED are valid.
42X19 The WHERE or HAVING clause or CHECK CONSTRAINT definition is a '<value>' expression. It must be a BOOLEAN expression.
42X23 Cursor <cursorName> is not updatable.
42X25 The '<functionName>' function is not allowed on the '<1>' type.
42X26 The class '<className>' for column '<columnName>' does not exist or is inaccessible. This can happen if the class is not public.
42X28 Delete table '<tableName>' is not target of cursor '<cursorName>'.
42X29 Update table '<tableName>' is not the target of cursor '<cursorName>'.
42X30 Cursor '<cursorName>' not found. Verify that autocommit is OFF.
42X31 Column '<columnName>' is not in the FOR UPDATE list of cursor '<cursorName>'.
42X32 The number of columns in the derived column list must match the number of columns in table '<tableName>'.
42X33 The derived column list contains a duplicate column name '<columnName>'.
42X34 There is a ? parameter in the select list. This is not allowed.
42X35 It is not allowed for both operands of '<value>' to be ? parameters.
42X36 The '<operator>' operator is not allowed to take a ? parameter as an operand.
42X37 The unary '<operator>' operator is not allowed on the '<type>' type.
42X38 'SELECT *' only allowed in EXISTS and NOT EXISTS subqueries.
42X39 Subquery is only allowed to return a single column.
42X40 A NOT statement has an operand that is not boolean . The operand of NOT must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN.
42X41 In the Properties clause of a FROM list, the property '<propertyName>' is not valid (the property was being set to '<value>').
42X42 Correlation name not allowed for column '<columnName>' because it is part of the FOR UPDATE list.
42X43 The ResultSetMetaData returned for the class/object '<className>' was null. In order to use this class as an external virtual table, the ResultSetMetaData cannot be null.
42X44 Invalid length '<number>' in column specification.
42X45 <type> is an invalid type for argument number <value> of <value>.
42X46 There are multiple functions named '<functionName>'. Use the full signature or the specific name.
42X47 There are multiple procedures named '<procedureName>'. Use the full signature or the specific name.
42X48 Value '<value>' is not a valid precision for <value>.
42X49 Value '<value>' is not a valid integer literal.
42X50 No method was found that matched the method call <methodName>.<value>(<value>), tried all combinations of object and primitive types and any possible type conversion for any parameters the method call may have. The method might exist but it is not public and/or static, or the parameter types are not method invocation convertible.
42X51 The class '<className>' does not exist or is inaccessible. This can happen if the class is not public.
42X52 Calling method ('<methodName>') using a receiver of the Java primitive type '<type>' is not allowed.
42X53 The LIKE predicate can only have 'CHAR' or 'VARCHAR' operands. Type '<type>' is not permitted.
42X54 The Java method '<methodName>' has a ? as a receiver. This is not allowed.
42X55 Table name '<tableName>' should be the same as '<value>'.
42X56 The number of columns in the view column list does not match the number of columns in the underlying query expression in the view definition for '<value>'.
42X57 The getColumnCount() for external virtual table '<tableName>' returned an invalid value '<value>'. Valid values are greater than or equal to 1.
42X58 The number of columns on the left and right sides of the <tableName> must be the same.
42X59 The number of columns in each VALUES constructor must be the same.
42X60 Invalid value '<value>' for insertMode property specified for table '<tableName>'.
42X61 Types '<type>' and '<type>' are not <value> compatible.
42X62 '<value>' is not allowed in the '<schemaNamet>' schema.
42X63 The USING clause did not return any results. No parameters can be set.
42X64 In the Properties list, the invalid value '<value>' was specified for the useStatistics property. The only valid values are TRUE or FALSE.
42X65 Index '<index>' does not exist.
42X66 Column name '<columnName>' appears more than once in the CREATE INDEX statement.
42X68 No field '<fieldName>' was found belonging to class '<className>'. It may be that the field exists, but it is not public, or that the class does not exist or is not public.
42X69 It is not allowed to reference a field ('<fieldName>') using a referencing expresssion of the Java primitive type '<type>'.
42X72 No static field '<fieldName>' was found belonging to class '<className>'. The field might exist, but it is not public and/or static, or the class does not exist or the class is not public.
42X73 Method resolution for signature <value>.<value>(<value>) was ambiguous. (No single maximally specific method.)
42X74 Invalid CALL statement syntax.
42X75 No constructor was found with the signature <value>(<value>). It may be that the parameter types are not method invocation convertible.
42X76 At least one column, '<columnName>', in the primary key being added is nullable. All columns in a primary key must be non-nullable.
42X77 Column position '<columnPosition>' is out of range for the query expression.
42X78 Column '<columnName>' is not in the result of the query expression.
42X79 Column name '<columnName>' appears more than once in the result of the query expression.
42X80 VALUES clause must contain at least one element. Empty elements are not allowed.
42X82 The USING clause returned more than one row. Only single-row ResultSets are permissible.
42X83 The constraints on column '<columnName>' require that it be both nullable and not nullable.
42X84 Index '<index>' was created to enforce constraint '<constraintName>'. It can only be dropped by dropping the constraint.
42X85 Constraint '<constraintName>'is required to be in the same schema as table '<tableName>'.
42X86 ALTER TABLE failed. There is no constraint '<constraintName>' on table '<tableName>'.
42X87 At least one result expression (THEN or ELSE) of the '<expression>' expression must not be a '?'.
42X88 A conditional has a non-Boolean operand. The operand of a conditional must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN.
42X89 Types '<type>' and '<type>' are not type compatible. Neither type is assignable to the other type.
42X90 More than one primary key constraint specified for table '<tableName>'.
42X91 Constraint name '<constraintName>' appears more than once in the CREATE TABLE statement.
42X92 Column name '<columnName>' appears more than once in a constraint's column list.
42X93 Table '<tableName>' contains a constraint definition with column '<columnName>' which is not in the table.
42X94 <value> '<value>' does not exist.
42X96 The database class path contains an unknown jar file '<fileName>'.
42X98 Parameters are not allowed in a VIEW definition.
42Y00 Class '<className>' does not implement org.apache.derby.iapi.db.AggregateDefinition and thus cannot be used as an aggregate expression.
42Y01 Constraint '<constraintName>' is invalid.
42Y03 '<statement>' is not recognized as a function or procedure.
42Y04 Cannot create a procedure or function with EXTERNAL NAME '<name>' because it is not a list separated by periods. The expected format is <full java path>.<method name>.
42Y05 There is no Foreign Key named '<key>'.
42Y07 Schema '<schemaNamet>' does not exist
42Y08 Foreign key constraints are not allowed on system tables.
42Y09 Void methods are only allowed within a CALL statement.
42Y10 A table constructor that is not in an INSERT statement has all ? parameters in one of its columns. For each column, at least one of the rows must have a non-parameter.
42Y11 A join specification is required with the '<clauseName>' clause.
42Y12 The ON clause of a JOIN is a '<expressionType>' expression. It must be a BOOLEAN expression.
42Y13 Column name '<columnName>' appears more than once in the CREATE VIEW statement.
42Y16 No public static method '<methodName>' was found in class '<className>'. The method might exist, but it is not public, or it is not static.
42Y19 '<columnName>' appears multiple times in the GROUP BY list. Columns in the GROUP BY list must be unambiguous.
42Y22 Aggregate <aggregateType> cannot operate on type <type>.
42Y23 Incorrect JDBC type info returned for column <colunmName>.
42Y24 View '<viewName>' is not updatable. (Views are currently not updatable.)
42Y25 '<tableName>' is a system table. Users are not allowed to modify the contents of this table.
42Y26 Aggregates are not allowed in the GROUP BY list.
42Y27 Parameters are not allowed in the trigger action.
42Y29 The SELECT list of a non-grouped query contains at least one invalid expression. When the SELECT list contains at least one aggregate then all entries must be valid aggregate expressions.
42Y30 The SELECT list of a grouped query contains at least one invalid expression. If a SELECT list has a GROUP BY, the list may only contain grouping columns and valid aggregate expressions.
42Y32 Aggregator class '<className>' for aggregate '<aggregateName>' on type <type> does not implement
42Y33 Aggregate <aggregateName> contains one or more aggregates.
42Y34 Column name '<columnName>' matches more than one result column in table '<tableName>'.
42Y35 Column reference '<reference>' is invalid. When the SELECT list contains at least one aggregate then all entries must be valid aggregate expressions.
42Y36 Column reference '<reference>' is invalid. For a SELECT list with a GROUP BY, the list may only contain grouping columns and valid aggregate expressions.
42Y37 '<value>' is a Java primitive and cannot be used with this operator.
42Y38 insertMode = replace is not permitted on an insert where the target table, '<tableName>', is referenced in the SELECT.
42Y39 '<value>' may not appear in a CHECK CONSTRAINT definition because it may return non-deterministic results.
42Y40 '<value>' appears multiple times in the UPDATE OF column list for trigger '<triggerName>'.
42Y41 '<value>' cannot be directly invoked via EXECUTE STATEMENT because it is part of a trigger.
42Y42 Scale '<scaleValue>' is not a valid scale for a <value>.
42Y43 Scale '<scaleValue>' is not a valid scale with precision of '<precision>'.
42Y44 Invalid key '<key>' specified in the Properties list of a FROM list. The case-sensitive keys that are currently supported are '<key>'.
42Y45 VTI '<value>' cannot be bound because it is a special trigger VTI and this statement is not part of a trigger action or WHEN clause.
42Y46 Invalid Properties list in FROM list. There is no index '<index>' on table '<tableName>'.
42Y48 Invalid Properties list in FROM list. Either there is no named constraint '<constraintName>' on table '<tableName>' or the constraint does not have a backing index.
42Y49 Multiple values specified for property key '<key>'.
42Y50 Properties list for table '<tableName>' may contain values for index or for constraint but not both.
42Y55 '<value>' cannot be performed on '<value>' because it does not exist.
42Y56 Invalid join strategy '<strategyValue>' specified in Properties list on table '<tableName>'. The currently supported values for a join strategy are: 'hash' and 'nestedloop'.
42Y58 NumberFormatException occurred when converting value '<value>' for optimizer override '<value>'.
42Y59 Invalid value, '<value>', specified for hashInitialCapacity override. Value must be greater than 0.
42Y60 Invalid value, '<value>', specified for hashLoadFactor override. Value must be greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0.
42Y61 Invalid value, '<value>', specified for hashMaxCapacity override. Value must be greater than 0.
42Y62 '<statement>' is not allowed on '<viewName>' because it is a view.
42Y63 Hash join requires an optimizable equijoin predicate on a column in the selected index or heap. An optimizable equijoin predicate does not exist on any column in table or index '<index>'. Use the 'index' optimizer override to specify such an index or the heap on table '<tableName>'.
42Y64 bulkFetch value of '<value>' is invalid. The minimum value for bulkFetch is 1.
42Y65 bulkFetch is not permitted on '<joinType>' joins.
42Y66 bulkFetch is not permitted on updatable cursors.
42Y67 Schema '<schemaNamet>' cannot be dropped.
42Y69 No valid execution plan was found for this statement. This may have one of two causes: either you specified a hash join strategy when hash join is not allowed (no optimizable equijoin) or you are attempting to join two external virtual tables, each of which references the other, and so the statement cannot be evaluated.
42Y70 The user specified an illegal join order. This could be caused by a join column from an inner table being passed as a parameter to an external virtual table.
42Y71 System function or procedure '<procedureName>' cannot be dropped.
42Y82 System generated stored prepared statement '<statement>' that cannot be dropped using DROP STATEMENT. It is part of a trigger.
42Y83 An untyped null is not permitted as an argument to aggregate <aggregateName>. Please cast the null to a suitable type.
42Y84 '<value>' may not appear in a DEFAULT definition.
42Y85 The DEFAULT keyword is only allowed in a VALUES clause when the VALUES clause appears within an INSERT statement.
42Y90 FOR UPDATE is not permitted in this type of statement.
42Y91 The USING clause is not permitted in an EXECUTE STATEMENT for a trigger action.
42Y92 <triggerName> triggers may only reference <value> transition variables/tables.
42Y93 Illegal REFERENCING clause: only one name is permitted for each type of transition variable/table.
42Y94 An AND or OR has a non-boolean operand. The operands of AND and OR must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN.
42Y95 The '<operatorName>' operator with a left operand type of '<operandType>' and a right operand type of '<operandType>' is not supported.
42Y97 Invalid escape character at line '<lineNumber>', column '<columnName>'.
42Z02 Multiple DISTINCT aggregates are not supported at this time.
42Z07 Aggregates are not permitted in the ON clause.
42Z08 Bulk insert replace is not permitted on '<value>' because it has an enabled trigger (<value>).
42Z15 Invalid type specified for column '<columnName>'. The type of a column may not be changed.
42Z16 Only columns of type VARCHAR may have their length altered.
42Z17 Invalid length specified for column '<columnName>'. Length must be greater than the current column length.
42Z18 Column '<columnName>' is part of a foreign key constraint '<constraintName>'. To alter the length of this column, you should drop the constraint first, perform the ALTER TABLE, and then recreate the constraint.
42Z19 Column '<columnName>' is being referenced by at least one foreign key constraint '<constraintName>'. To alter the length of this column, you should drop referencing constraints, perform the ALTER TABLE and then recreate the constraints.
42Z20 Column '<columnName>' cannot be made nullable. It is part of a primary key, which cannot have any nullable columns.
42Z21 Invalid increment specified for identity for column '<columnName>'. Increment cannot be zero.
42Z22 Invalid type specified for identity column '<columnName>'. The only valid types for identity columns are BIGINT, INT and SMALLINT.
42Z23 Attempt to modify an identity column '<columnName>'.
42Z24 Overflow occurred in identity value for column '<columnName>' in table '<tableName>'.
42Z25 INTERNAL ERROR identity counter. Update was called without arguments with current value = NULL.
42Z26 A column, '<columnName>', with an identity default cannot be made nullable.
42Z27 A nullable column, '<columnName>', cannot be modified to have identity default.
42Z50 INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to generate code for <value>.
42Z53 INTERNAL ERROR: Type of activation to generate for node choice <value> is unknown.
42Z60 <value> not allowed unless database property <propertyName> has value '<value>'.
42Z70 Binding directly to an XML value is not allowed; try using XMLPARSE.
42Z71 XML values are not allowed in top-level result sets; try using XMLSERIALIZE.
42Z72 XML syntax error; missing keyword(s): '<keywords>'.
42Z73 Invalid target type for XMLSERIALIZE: '<typeName>'.
42Z74 XML feature not supported: '<featureName>'.
42Z75 XML query expression must be a string literal.
42Z76 Multiple XML context items are not allowed.
42Z77 Context item must have type 'XML'; '<value>' is not allowed.
42Z78 Failed to locate '<value>' API or implementation classes. XML operations are not permitted unless these classes are in your classpath.
42Z79 Unable to determine the parameter type for XMLPARSE; try using a CAST.
42Z7Z Encountered unexpected error while processing XML; see next exception for details.
42Z90 Class '<className>' does not return an updatable ResultSet.
42Z91 subquery
42Z92 repeatable read
42Z93 Constraints '<constraintName>' and '<constraintName>' have the same set of columns, which is not allowed.
42Z97 Renaming column '<columnName>' will cause check constraint '<constraintName>' to break.
42Z99 String or Hex literal cannot exceed 64K.
42Z9A read uncommitted
42Z9B The external virtual table interface does not support BLOB or CLOB columns. '<value>' column '<value>'.
42Z9D Procedures that modify SQL data are not allowed in BEFORE triggers.
42Z9D '<statement>' statements are not allowed in '<triggerName>' triggers.
42Z9E Constraint '<constraintName>' is not a <value> constraint.
42Z9F Too many indexes (<index>) on the table <tableName>. The limit is <number>.
42ZA0 Statement too complex. Try rewriting the query to remove complexity. Eliminating many duplicate expressions or breaking up the query and storing interim results in a temporary table can often help resolve this error.
42ZA1 Invalid SQL in Batch: '<batch>'.
Table 18. Class 57: DRDA Network Protocol: Execution Failure
SQLSTATE Message Text
57017 There is no available conversion for the source code page, <codePage>, to the target code page, <codePage>. The connection has been terminated.
Table 19. Class 58: DRDA Network Protocol: Protocol Error
SQLSTATE Message Text
58009 Network protocol exception: only one of the VCM, VCS length can be greater than 0. The connection has been terminated.
58009 The connection was terminated because the encoding is not supported.
58009 Network protocol exception: actual code point, <value>, does not match expected code point, <value>. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: DDM collection contains less than 4 bytes of data. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: collection stack not empty at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: DSS length not 0 at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: DSS chained with same id at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: end of stream prematurely reached while reading InputStream, parameter #<value>. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: invalid FDOCA LID. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: SECTKN was not returned. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: only one of NVCM, NVCS can be non-null. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: SCLDTA length, <length>, is invalid for RDBNAM. The connection has been terminated.
58009 SocketException: '<error>'
58009 A communications error has been detected: <error>.
58009 An error occurred during a deferred connect reset and the connection has been terminated. See chained exceptions for details.
58009 Insufficient data while reading from the network - expected a minimum of <number> bytes and received only <number> bytes. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Attempt to fully materialize lob data that is too large for the JVM. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: SCLDTA length, <length>, is invalid for RDBCOLID. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: SCLDTA length, <length>, is invalid for PKGID. The connection has been terminated.
58009 Network protocol exception: PKGNAMCSN length, <length>, is invalid at SQLAM <value>. The connection has been terminated.
58009 A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: <error>.
58010 A network protocol error was encountered. A connection could not be established because the manager <value> at level <value> is not supported by the server.
58014 The DDM command 0x<value> is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
58015 The DDM object 0x<value> is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
58016 The DDM parameter 0x<value> is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
58017 The DDM parameter value 0x<value> is not supported. An input host variable may not be within the range the server supports. The connection has been terminated.
Table 20. Class X0: Execution exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
X0A00 The select list mentions column '<columnName>' twice. This is not allowed in queries with GROUP BY or HAVING clauses. Try aliasing one of the conflicting columns to a unique name.
X0X02 Table '<tableName>' cannot be locked in '<mode>' mode.
X0X03 Invalid transaction state - held cursor requires same isolation level
X0X05 Table/View '<tableName>' does not exist.
X0X07 Cannot remove jar file '<fileName>' because it is on your derby.database.classpath '<classpath>'.
X0X0E The column position '<columnPosition>' listed in the auto-generated column selection array was not found in the insert table.
X0X0F Column name '<columnName>' listed in auto-generated column selection array not found in the insert table.
X0X10 The USING clause returned more than one row; only single-row ResultSets are permissible.
X0X11 The USING clause did not return any results so no parameters can be set.
X0X13 Jar file '<fileName>' does not exist in schema '<schemaNamet>'.
X0X57 An attempt was made to put a Java value of type '<type>' into a SQL value, but there is no corresponding SQL type. The Java value is probably the result of a method call or field access.
X0X60 A cursor with name '<cursorName>' already exists.
X0X61 The values for column '<columnName>' in index '<indexName>' and table '<schemaNamet>.<tableName>' do not match for row location <location>. The value in the index is '<value>', while the value in the base table is '<value>'. The full index key, including the row location, is '<indexKey>'. The suggested corrective action is to recreate the index.
X0X62 Inconsistency found between table '<tableName>' and index '<indexName>'. Error when trying to retrieve row location '<rowLocation>' from the table. The full index key, including the row location, is '<indexKey>'. The suggested corrective action is to recreate the index.
X0X63 Got IOException '<value>'.
X0X67 Columns of type '<type>' may not be used in CREATE INDEX, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT or DISTINCT statements because comparisons are not supported for that type.
X0X81 <value> '<value>' does not exist.
X0X85 Index '<indexName>' was not created because '<indexType>' is not a valid index type.
X0X86 0 is an invalid parameter value for ResultSet.absolute(int row).
X0X87 ResultSet.relative(int row) cannot be called when the cursor is not positioned on a row.
X0X95 Operation '<operationName>' cannot be performed on object '<objectName>' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object.
X0X99 Index '<indexName>' does not exist.
X0Y16 '<value>' is not a view. If it is a table, then use DROP TABLE instead.
X0Y23 Operation '<operationName>' cannot be performed on object '<objectName>' because VIEW '<viewName>' is dependent on that object.
X0Y24 Operation '<operationName>' cannot be performed on object '<objectName>' because STATEMENT '<statement>' is dependent on that object.
X0Y25 Operation '<operationName>' cannot be performed on object '<objectName>' because <value> '<value>' is dependent on that object.
X0Y26 Index '<indexName>' is required to be in the same schema as table '<tableName>'.
X0Y28 Index '<indexName>' cannot be created on system table '<tableName>'. Users cannot create indexes on system tables.
X0Y32 <value> '<value>' already exists in <value> '<value>'.
X0Y38 Cannot create index '<indexName>' because table '<tableName>' does not exist.
X0Y41 Constraint '<constraintName>' is invalid because the referenced table <tableName> has no primary key. Either add a primary key to <tableName> or explicitly specify the columns of a unique constraint that this foreign key references.
X0Y42 Constraint '<constraintName>' is invalid: the types of the foreign key columns do not match the types of the referenced columns.
X0Y43 Constraint '<constraintName>' is invalid: the number of columns in <value> (<value>) does not match the number of columns in the referenced key (<value>).
X0Y44 Constraint '<constraintName>' is invalid: there is no unique or primary key constraint on table '<tableName>' that matches the number and types of the columns in the foreign key.
X0Y45 Foreign key constraint '<constraintName>' cannot be added to or enabled on table <tableName> because one or more foreign keys do not have matching referenced keys.
X0Y46 Constraint '<constraintName>' is invalid: referenced table <tableName> does not exist.
X0Y54 Schema '<schemaNamet>' cannot be dropped because it is not empty.
X0Y55 The number of rows in the base table does not match the number of rows in at least 1 of the indexes on the table. Index '<indexName>' on table '<schemaNamet>.<tableName>' has <number> rows, but the base table has <number> rows. The suggested corrective action is to recreate the index.
X0Y56 '<value>' is not allowed on the System table '<tableName>'.
X0Y57 A non-nullable column cannot be added to table '<tableName>' because the table contains at least one row. Non-nullable columns can only be added to empty tables.
X0Y58 Attempt to add a primary key constraint to table '<tableName>' failed because the table already has a constraint of that type. A table can only have a single primary key constraint.
X0Y59 Attempt to add or enable constraint(s) on table '<tableName>' failed because the table contains <rowName> row(s) that violate the following check constraint(s): <constraintName>.
X0Y63 The command on table '<tableName>' failed because null data was found in the primary key or unique constraint/index column(s). All columns in a primary or unique index key must not be null.
X0Y66 Cannot issue commit in a nested connection when there is a pending operation in the parent connection.
X0Y67 Cannot issue rollback in a nested connection when there is a pending operation in the parent connection.
X0Y68 <value> '<value>' already exists.
X0Y69 <value> is not supported in trigger <triggerName>.
X0Y70 INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are not permitted on table <tableName> because trigger <triggerName> is active.
X0Y71 Transaction manipulation such as SET ISOLATION is not permitted because trigger <triggerName> is active.
X0Y72 Bulk insert replace is not permitted on '<value>' because it has an enabled trigger (<value>).
X0Y77 Cannot issue set transaction isolation statement on a global transaction that is in progress because it would have implicitly committed the global transaction.
X0Y78 Statement.executeQuery() cannot be called with a statement that returns a row count.
X0Y78 <value>.executeQuery() cannot be called because multiple result sets were returned. Use <value>.execute() to obtain multiple results.
X0Y78 <value>.executeQuery() was called but no result set was returned. Use <value>.executeUpdate() for non-queries.
X0Y79 Statement.executeUpdate() cannot be called with a statement that returns a ResultSet.
X0Y80 ALTER table '<tableName>' failed. Null data found in column '<columnName>'.
X0Y83 WARNING: While deleting a row from a table the index row for base table row <rowName> was not found in index with conglomerate id <id>. This problem has automatically been corrected as part of the delete operation.
Table 21. Class XBCA: CacheService
SQLSTATE Message Text
XBCA0 Cannot create new object with key <key> in <cache> cache. The object already exists in the cache.
Table 22. Class XBCM: ClassManager
SQLSTATE Message Text
XBCM1 Java linkage error thrown during load of generated class <className>.
XBCM2 Cannot create an instance of generated class <className>.
XBCM3 Method <methodName>() does not exist in generated class <className>.
XBCM4 Java class file format limit(s) exceeded: <value> in generated class <className>.
Table 23. Class XBCX: Cryptography
SQLSTATE Message Text
XBCX0 Exception from Cryptography provider. See next exception for details.
XBCX1 Initializing cipher with illegal mode, must be either ENCRYPT or DECRYPT.
XBCX2 Initializing cipher with a boot password that is too short. The password must be at least <number> characters long.
XBCX5 Cannot change boot password to null.
XBCX6 Cannot change boot password to a non-string serializable type.
XBCX7 Wrong format for changing boot password. Format must be : old_boot_password, new_boot_password.
XBCX8 Cannot change boot password for a non-encrypted database.
XBCX9 Cannot change boot password for a read-only database.
XBCXA Wrong boot password.
XBCXB Bad encryption padding '<value>' or padding not specified. 'NoPadding' must be used.
XBCXC Encryption algorithm '<algorithmName>' does not exist. Please check that the chosen provider '<providerName>' supports this algorithm.
XBCXD The encryption algorithm cannot be changed after the database is created.
XBCXE The encryption provider cannot be changed after the database is created.
XBCXF The class '<className>' representing the encryption provider cannot be found.
XBCXG The encryption provider '<providerName>' does not exist.
XBCXH The encryptionAlgorithm '<algorithmName>' is not in the correct format. The correct format is algorithm/feedbackMode/NoPadding.
XBCXI The feedback mode '<mode>' is not supported. Supported feedback modes are CBC, CFB, OFB and ECB.
XBCXJ The application is using a version of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) earlier than 1.2.1. Please upgrade to JCE 1.2.1 and try the operation again.
XBCXK The given encryption key does not match the encryption key used when creating the database. Please ensure that you are using the correct encryption key and try again.
XBCXL The verification process for the encryption key was not successful. This could have been caused by an error when accessing the appropriate file to do the verification process. See next exception for details.
XBCXM The length of the external encryption key must be an even number.
XBCXN The external encryption key contains one or more illegal characters. Allowed characters for a hexadecimal number are 0-9, a-f and A-F.
XBCXO Cannot encrypt the database when there is a global transaction in the prepared state.
XBCXP Cannot re-encrypt the database with a new boot password or an external encryption key when there is a global transaction in the prepared state.
XBCXQ Cannot configure a read-only database for encryption.
XBCXR Cannot re-encrypt a read-only database with a new boot password or an external encryption key .
XBCXS Cannot configure a database for encryption, when database is in the log archive mode.
XBCXT Cannot re-encrypt a database with a new boot password or an external encryption key, when database is in the log archive mode.
XBCXU Encryption of an un-encrypted database failed: <failureMessage>
XBCXV Encryption of an encrypted database with a new key or a new password failed: <failureMessage>
Table 24. Class XBM: Monitor
SQLSTATE Message Text
XBM01 Startup failed due to an exception. See next exception for details.
XBM02 Startup failed due to missing functionality for <value>. Please ensure your classpath includes the correct Derby software.
XBM05 Startup failed due to missing product version information for <value>.
XBM06 Startup failed. An encrypted database cannot be accessed without the correct boot password.
XBM07 Startup failed. Boot password must be at least 8 bytes long.
XBM08 Could not instantiate <value> StorageFactory class <value>.
XBM0G Failed to start encryption engine. Please make sure you are running Java 2 and have downloaded an encryption provider such as jce and put it in your class path.
XBM0H Directory <directoryName> cannot be created.
XBM0I Directory <directoryName> cannot be removed.
XBM0J Directory <directoryName> already exists.
XBM0K Unknown sub-protocol for database name <databaseName>.
XBM0L Specified authentication scheme class <className> does implement the authentication interface <interfaceName>.
XBM0M Error creating instance of authentication scheme class <className>.
XBM0N JDBC Driver registration with java.sql.DriverManager failed. See next exception for details.
XBM0P Service provider is read-only. Operation not permitted.
XBM0Q File <fileName> not found. Please make sure that backup copy is the correct one and it is not corrupted.
XBM0R Unable to remove File <fileName>.
XBM0S Unable to rename file '<fileName>' to '<fileName>'
XBM0T Ambiguous sub-protocol for database name <databaseName>.
XBM0U No class was registered for identifier <identifierName>.
XBM0V An exception was thrown while loading class <className> registered for identifier <identifierName>.
XBM0W An exception was thrown while creating an instance of class <className> registered for identifier <identifierName>.
XBM0X Supplied territory description '<value>' is invalid, expecting ln[_CO[_variant]] ln=lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, CO=upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country codes, see java.util.Locale.
XBM0Y Backup database directory <directoryName> not found. Please make sure that the specified backup path is right.
XBM0Z Unable to copy file '<fileName>' to '<fileName>'. Please make sure that there is enough space and permissions are correct.
Table 25. Class XCL: Execution exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
XCL01 Result set does not return rows. Operation <operationName> not permitted.
XCL05 Activation closed, operation <operationName> not permitted.
XCL07 Cursor '<cursorName>' is closed. Verify that autocommit is OFF.
XCL08 Cursor '<cursorName>' is not on a row.
XCL09 An Activation was passed to the '<methodName>' method that does not match the PreparedStatement.
XCL10 A PreparedStatement has been recompiled and the parameters have changed. If you are using JDBC you must prepare the statement again.
XCL12 An attempt was made to put a data value of type '<datatypeName>' into a data value of type '<datatypeName>'.
XCL13 The parameter position '<parameterPosition>' is out of range. The number of parameters for this prepared statement is '<number>'.
XCL14 The column position '<columnPosition>' is out of range. The number of columns for this ResultSet is '<number>'.
XCL15 A ClassCastException occurred when calling the compareTo() method on an object '<object>'. The parameter to compareTo() is of class '<className>'.
XCL16 ResultSet not open. Operation '<operation>' not permitted. Verify that autocommit is OFF.
XCL16 ResultSet not open. Verify that autocommit is OFF.
XCL17 Statement not allowed in this database.
XCL18 Stream of column value in result cannot be retrieved twice
XCL19 Missing row in table '<tableName>' for key '<key>'.
XCL20 Catalogs at version level '<versionNumber>' cannot be upgraded to version level '<versionNumber>'.
XCL21 You are trying to execute a Data Definition statement (CREATE, DROP, or ALTER) while preparing a different statement. This is not allowed. It can happen if you execute a Data Definition statement from within a static initializer of a Java class that is being used from within a SQL statement.
XCL22 Parameter <parameterName> cannot be registered as an OUT parameter because it is an IN parameter.
XCL23 SQL type number '<type>' is not a supported type by registerOutParameter().
XCL24 Parameter <parameterName> appears to be an output parameter, but it has not been so designated by registerOutParameter(). If it is not an output parameter, then it has to be set to type <type>.
XCL25 Parameter <parameterName> cannot be registered to be of type <type> because it maps to type <type> and they are incompatible.
XCL26 Parameter <parameterName> is not an output parameter.
XCL27 Return output parameters cannot be set.
XCL30 An IOException was thrown when reading a '<value>' from an InputStream.
XCL31 Statement closed.
XCL33 The table cannot be defined as a dependent of table <tableName> because of delete rule restrictions. (The relationship is self-referencing and a self-referencing relationship already exists with the SET NULL delete rule.)
XCL34 The table cannot be defined as a dependent of table <tableName> because of delete rule restrictions. (The relationship forms a cycle of two or more tables that cause the table to be delete-connected to itself (all other delete rules in the cycle would be CASCADE)).
XCL35 The table cannot be defined as a dependent of table <tableName> because of delete rule restrictions. (The relationship causes the table to be delete-connected to the indicated table through multiple relationships and the delete rule of the existing relationship is SET NULL.).
XCL36 The delete rule of foreign key must be <value>. (The referential constraint is self-referencing and an existing self-referencing constraint has the indicated delete rule (NO ACTION, RESTRICT or CASCADE).)
XCL37 The delete rule of foreign key must be <value>. (The referential constraint is self-referencing and the table is dependent in a relationship with a delete rule of CASCADE.)
XCL38 the delete rule of foreign key must be <ruleName>. (The relationship would cause the table to be delete-connected to the same table through multiple relationships and such relationships must have the same delete rule (NO ACTION, RESTRICT or CASCADE).)
XCL39 The delete rule of foreign key cannot be CASCADE. (A self-referencing constraint exists with a delete rule of SET NULL, NO ACTION or RESTRICT.)
XCL40 The delete rule of foreign key cannot be CASCADE. (The relationship would form a cycle that would cause a table to be delete-connected to itself. One of the existing delete rules in the cycle is not CASCADE, so this relationship may be definable if the delete rule is not CASCADE.)
XCL41 The delete rule of foreign key cannot be CASCADE. (The relationship would cause another table to be delete-connected to the same table through multiple paths with different delete rules or with delete rule equal to SET NULL.)
XCL47 Use of '<value>' requires database to be upgraded from version <versionNumber> to version <versionNumber> or later.
XCL48 TRUNCATE TABLE is not permitted on '<value>' because unique/primary key constraints on this table are referenced by enabled foreign key constraints from other tables.
XCL49 TRUNCATE TABLE is not permitted on '<value>' because it has an enabled DELETE trigger (<value>).
XCL50 Upgrading the database from a previous version is not supported. The database being accessed is at version level '<versionNumber>', this software is at version level '<versionNumber>'.
XCL51 The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema.
XCL52 The statement has been cancelled or timed out.
Table 26. Class XCW: Upgrade unsupported
SQLSTATE Message Text
XCW00 Unsupported upgrade from '<value>' to '<value>'.
Table 27. Class XCX: Internal Utility Errors
SQLSTATE Message Text
XCXA0 Invalid identifier.
XCXB0 Invalid database classpath: '<classpath>'.
XCXC0 Invalid id list.
XCXE0 You are trying to do an operation that uses the territory of the database, but the database does not have a territory.
Table 28. Class XCY: Derby Property Exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
XCY00 Invalid value for property '<value>'='<value>'.
XCY02 The requested property change is not supported '<value>'='<value>'.
XCY03 Required property '<propertyName>' has not been set.
XCY04 Invalid syntax for optimizer overrides. The syntax should be -- DERBY-PROPERTIES propertyName = value [, propertyName = value]*
Table 29. Class XCZ: org.apache.derby.database.UserUtility
SQLSTATE Message Text
XCZ00 Unknown permission '<permissionName>'.
XCZ01 Unknown user '<authorizationID>'.
XCZ02 Invalid parameter '<value>'='<value>'.
Table 30. Class XD00: Dependency Manager
SQLSTATE Message Text
XD003 Unable to restore dependency from disk. DependableFinder = '<value>'. Further information: '<value>'.
XD004 Unable to store dependencies.
Table 31. Class XIE: Import/Export Exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
XIE01 Connection was null.
XIE03 Data found on line <lineNumber> for column <columnName> after the stop delimiter.
XIE04 Data file not found: <fileName>
XIE05 Data file cannot be null.
XIE06 Entity name was null.
XIE07 Field and record separators cannot be substrings of each other.
XIE08 There is no column named: <columnName>.
XIE09 The total number of columns in the row is: <number>.
XIE0B Column '<columnName>' in the table is of type <type>, it is not supported by the import/export feature.
XIE0D Cannot find the record separator on line <lineNumber>.
XIE0E Read endOfFile at unexpected place on line <lineNumber>.
XIE0I An IOException occurred while writing data to the file.
XIE0J A delimiter is not valid or is used more than once.
XIE0K The period was specified as a character string delimiter.
XIE0M Table '<tableName>' does not exist.
Table 32. Class XJ: Connectivity Errors
SQLSTATE Message Text
XJ004 Database '<databaseName>' not found.
XJ008 Cannot rollback or release a savepoint when in auto-commit mode.
XJ009 Use of CallableStatement required for stored procedure call or use of output parameters: <value>
XJ010 Cannot issue savepoint when autoCommit is on.
XJ011 Cannot pass null for savepoint name.
XJ012 '<value>' already closed.
XJ013 No ID for named savepoints.
XJ014 No name for un-named savepoints.
XJ015 Derby system shutdown.
XJ016 Method '<methodName>' not allowed on prepared statement.
XJ017 No savepoint command allowed inside the trigger code.
XJ018 Column name cannot be null.
XJ020 Object type not convertible to TYPE '<typeName>', invalid java.sql.Types value, or object was null.
XJ021 Type is not supported.
XJ022 Unable to set stream: '<name>'.
XJ023 Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.
XJ025 Input stream cannot have negative length.
XJ028 The URL '<urlValue>' is not properly formed.
XJ030 Cannot set AUTOCOMMIT ON when in a nested connection.
XJ040 Failed to start database '<databaseName>', see the next exception for details.
XJ041 Failed to create database '<databaseName>', see the next exception for details.
XJ042 '<value>' is not a valid value for property '<propertyName>'.
XJ044 '<value>' is an invalid scale.
XJ045 Invalid or (currently) unsupported isolation level, '<levelName>', passed to Connection.setTransactionIsolationLevel(). The currently supported values are java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, and java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
XJ049 Conflicting create attributes specified.
XJ04B Batch cannot contain a command that attempts to return a result set.
XJ04C CallableStatement batch cannot contain output parameters.
XJ056 Cannot set AUTOCOMMIT ON when in an XA connection.
XJ057 Cannot commit a global transaction using the Connection, commit processing must go thru XAResource interface.
XJ058 Cannot rollback a global transaction using the Connection, commit processing must go thru XAResource interface.
XJ059 Cannot close a connection while a global transaction is still active.
XJ05B JDBC attribute '<attributeName>' has an invalid value '<value>', valid values are '<value>'.
XJ05C Cannot set holdability ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT for a global transaction.
XJ061 The '<methodName>' method is only allowed on scroll cursors.
XJ062 Invalid parameter value '<value>' for ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XJ063 Invalid parameter value '<value>' for Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). Parameter value must be >= 0.
XJ064 Invalid parameter value '<value>' for setFetchDirection(int direction).
XJ065 Invalid parameter value '<value>' for Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
XJ066 Invalid parameter value '<value>' for Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
XJ067 SQL text pointer is null.
XJ068 Only executeBatch and clearBatch allowed in the middle of a batch.
XJ069 No SetXXX methods allowed in case of USING execute statement.
XJ070 Negative or zero position argument '<argument>' passed in a Blob or Clob method.
XJ071 Negative length argument '<argument>' passed in a BLOB or CLOB method.
XJ072 Null pattern or searchStr passed in to a BLOB or CLOB position method.
XJ073 The data in this BLOB or CLOB is no longer available. The BLOB/CLOB's transaction may be committed, or its connection is closed.
XJ074 Invalid parameter value '<value>' for Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
XJ076 The position argument '<positionArgument>' exceeds the size of the BLOB/CLOB.
XJ077 Got an exception when trying to read the first byte/character of the BLOB/CLOB pattern using getBytes/getSubString.
XJ078 Offset '<value>' is either less than zero or is too large for the current BLOB/CLOB.
XJ079 The length specified '<number>' exceeds the size of the BLOB/BLOB.
XJ080 USING execute statement passed <number> parameters rather than <number>.
XJ081 Conflicting create/restore/recovery attributes specified.
XJ081 Invalid value '<value>' passed as parameter '<parameterName>' to method '<methodName>'
XJ085 Stream has already been read and end-of-file reached and cannot be re-used.
XJ086 This method cannot be invoked while the cursor is not on the insert row or if the concurrency of this ResultSet object is CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ088 Invalid operation: wasNull() called with no data retrieved.
XJ089 Invalid method call: parameter 1 is an integer OUT parameter returned by the stored procedure, use getInt call.
XJ090 Invalid parameter: calendar is null.
XJ091 Invalid argument: parameter index <indexNumber> is not an OUT or INOUT parameter.
XJ092 Parameter 1 is the return clause of the stored procedure call. It can only be registered as an integer type.
XJ093 Length of BLOB/CLOB, <number>, is too large. The length cannot exceed <number>.
XJ094 This object is already closed.
XJ095 An attempt to execute a privileged action failed.
XJ096 A resource bundle could not be found in the <packageName> package for <value>
XJ097 Cannot rollback or release a savepoint that was not created by this connection.
XJ098 The auto-generated keys value <value> is invalid
XJ099 The Reader/Stream object does not contain length characters
XJ100 The scale supplied by the registerOutParameter method does not match with the setter method. Possible loss of precision!
XJ102 Can not perform an insert at the current position.
XJ103 Table name can not be null
XJ104 Shared key length is invalid: <value>.
XJ105 DES key has the wrong length, expected length <number>, got length <number>.
XJ106 No such padding
XJ107 Bad Padding
XJ108 Illegal Block Size
XJ110 Primary table name can not be null
XJ111 Foreign table name can not be null
XJ112 Security exception encountered, see next exception for details.
XJ113 Unable to open file <fileName> : <error>
XJ114 Invalid cursor name '<cursorName>'
XJ115 Unable to open resultSet with requested holdability <value>.
XJ116 No more than <number> commands may be added to a single batch.
XJ117 Batching of queries not allowed by J2EE compliance.
XJ118 Query batch requested on a non-query statement.
XJ121 Invalid operation at current cursor position.
XJ122 No updateXXX methods were called on this row.
XJ123 This method must be called to update values in the current row or the insert row.
XJ124 Column not updatable.
XJ125 This method should only be called on ResultSet objects that are scrollable (type TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
XJ126 This method should not be called on sensitive dynamic cursors.
XJ128 Unable to unwrap for '<value>'
XJ200 Exceeded maximum number of sections <value>
XJ202 Invalid cursor name '<cursorName>'.
XJ203 Cursor name '<cursorName>' is already in use
XJ204 Unable to open result set with requested holdability <holdValue>.
XJ206 SQL text '<value>' has no tokens.
XJ207 executeQuery method can not be used for update.
XJ208 Non-atomic batch failure. The batch was submitted, but at least one exception occurred on an individual member of the batch. Use getNextException() to retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements.
XJ209 The required stored procedure is not installed on the server.
XJ210 The load module name for the stored procedure on the server is not found.
XJ211 Non-recoverable chain-breaking exception occurred during batch processing. The batch is terminated non-atomically.
XJ212 Invalid attribute syntax: <attributeSyntax>
XJ213 The traceLevel connection property does not have a valid format for a number.
XJ214 An IO Error occurred when calling free() on a CLOB or BLOB.
XJ215 You cannot invoke other java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob methods after calling the free() method.
Table 33. Class XN: Network Client Exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
XN001 Connection reset is not allowed when inside a unit of work.
XN008 Query processing has been terminated due to an error on the server.
XN009 Error obtaining length of BLOB/CLOB object, exception follows.
XN010 Procedure name can not be null.
XN011 Procedure name length <number> is not within the valid range of 1 to <number>.
XN012 On <operatingSystemName> platforms, XA supports version <versionNumber> and above, this is version <versionNumber>
XN013 Invalid scroll orientation.
XN014 Network protocol error: encountered an IOException, parameter #<value>. Remaining data has been padded with 0x0. Message: <messageText>.
XN015 Network protocol error: the specified size of the InputStream, parameter #<value>, is less than the actual InputStream length.
XN016 Network protocol error: encountered error in stream length verification, parameter #<value>. Message: <messageText>.
XN017 Network protocol error: end of stream prematurely reached, parameter #<value>. Remaining data has been padded with 0x0.
XN018 Network protocol error: the specified size of the Reader, parameter #<value>, is less than the actual InputStream length.
XN019 Error executing a <value>, server returned <value>.
Table 34. Class XSAI: Store - access.protocol.interface
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSAI2 The conglomerate (<value>) requested does not exist.
XSAI3 Feature not implemented.
Table 35. Class XSAM: Store - AccessManager
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSAM0 Exception encountered while trying to boot module for '<value>'.
XSAM2 There is no index or conglomerate with conglom id '<conglomID>' to drop.
XSAM3 There is no index or conglomerate with conglom id '<conglomID>'.
XSAM4 There is no sort called '<sortName>'.
XSAM5 Scan must be opened and positioned by calling next() before making other calls.
XSAM6 Record <recordNumber> on page <pageNumber> in container <containerName> not found.
Table 36. Class XSAS: Store - Sort
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSAS0 A scan controller interface method was called which is not appropriate for a scan on a sort.
XSAS1 An attempt was made to fetch a row before the beginning of a sort or after the end of a sort.
XSAS3 The type of a row inserted into a sort does not match the sort's template.
XSAS6 Could not acquire resources for sort.
Table 37. Class XSAX: Store - access.protocol.XA statement
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSAX0 XA protocol violation.
XSAX1 An attempt was made to start a global transaction with an Xid of an existing global transaction.
Table 38. Class XSCB: Store - BTree
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSCB0 Could not create container.
XSCB1 Container <containerName> not found.
XSCB2 The required property <propertyName> not found in the property list given to createConglomerate() for a btree secondary index.
XSCB3 Unimplemented feature.
XSCB4 A method on a btree open scan has been called prior to positioning the scan on the first row (i.e. no next() call has been made yet). The current state of the scan is (<value>).
XSCB5 During logical undo of a btree insert or delete the row could not be found in the tree.
XSCB6 Limitation: Record of a btree secondary index cannot be updated or inserted due to lack of space on the page. Use the parameters and/or to work around this limitation.
XSCB7 An internal error was encountered during a btree scan - current_rh is null = <value>, position key is null = <value>.
XSCB8 The btree conglomerate <value> is closed.
XSCB9 Reserved for testing.
Table 39. Class XSCG0: Conglomerate
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSCG0 Could not create a template.
Table 40. Class XSCH: Heap
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSCH0 Could not create container.
XSCH1 Container <containerName> not found.
XSCH4 Conglomerate could not be created.
XSCH5 In a base table there was a mismatch between the requested column number <number> and the maximum number of columns <number>.
XSCH6 The heap container with container id <containerID> is closed.
XSCH7 The scan is not positioned.
XSCH8 The feature is not implemented.
Table 41. Class XSDA: RawStore - Data.Generic statement
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSDA1 An attempt was made to access an out of range slot on a page
XSDA2 An attempt was made to update a deleted record
XSDA3 Limitation: Record cannot be updated or inserted due to lack of space on the page. Use the parameters and/or to work around this limitation.
XSDA4 An unexpected exception was thrown
XSDA5 An attempt was made to undelete a record that is not deleted
XSDA6 Column <columnName> of row is null, it needs to be set to point to an object.
XSDA7 Restore of a serializable or SQLData object of class <className>, attempted to read more data than was originally stored
XSDA8 Exception during restore of a serializable or SQLData object of class <className>
XSDA9 Class not found during restore of a serializable or SQLData object of class <className>
XSDAA Illegal time stamp <value>, either time stamp is from a different page or of incompatible implementation
XSDAB cannot set a null time stamp
XSDAC Attempt to move either rows or pages from one container to another.
XSDAD Attempt to move zero rows from one page to another.
XSDAE Can only make a record handle for special record handle id.
XSDAF Using special record handle as if it were a normal record handle.
XSDAG The allocation nested top transaction cannot open the container.
XSDAI Page <page> being removed is already locked for deallocation.
XSDAJ Exception during write of a serializable or SQLData object
XSDAK Wrong page is gotten for record handle <value>.
XSDAL Record handle <value> unexpectedly points to overflow page.
XSDAM Exception during restore of a SQLData object of class <className>. The specified class cannot be instantiated.
XSDAN Exception during restore of a SQLData object of class <className>. The specified class encountered an illegal access exception.
Table 42. Class XSDB: RawStore - Data.Generic transaction
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSDB0 Unexpected exception on in-memory page <page>
XSDB1 Unknown page format at page <page>
XSDB2 Unknown container format at container <containerName> : <value>
XSDB3 Container information cannot change once written: was <value>, now <value>
XSDB4 Page <page> is at version <versionNumber>, the log file contains change version <versionNumber>, either there are log records of this page missing, or this page did not get written out to disk properly.
XSDB5 Log has change record on page <page>, which is beyond the end of the container.
XSDB6 Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database <databaseName>.
XSDB7 WARNING: Derby (instance <value>) is attempting to boot the database <databaseName> even though Derby (instance <value>) may still be active. Only one instance of Derby should boot a database at a time. Severe and non-recoverable corruption can result and may have already occurred.
XSDB8 WARNING: Derby (instance <value>) is attempting to boot the database <databaseName> even though Derby (instance <value>) may still be active. Only one instance of Derby should boot a database at a time. Severe and non-recoverable corruption can result if 2 instances of Derby boot on the same database at the same time. The db2j.database.forceDatabaseLock=true property has been set, so the database will not boot until the db.lck is no longer present. Normally this file is removed when the first instance of Derby to boot on the database exits, but it may be left behind in some shutdowns. It will be necessary to remove the file by hand in that case. It is important to verify that no other VM is accessing the database before deleting the db.lck file by hand.
XSDB9 Stream container <containerName> is corrupt.
XSDBA Attempt to allocate object <object> failed.
Table 43. Class XSDF: RawStore - Data.Filesystem statement
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSDF0 Could not create file <fileName> as it already exists.
XSDF1 Exception during creation of file <fileName> for container
XSDF2 Exception during creation of file <fileName> for container, file could not be removed. The exception was: <value>.
XSDF3 Cannot create segment <segmentName>.
XSDF4 Exception during remove of file <fileName> for dropped container, file could not be removed <value>.
XSDF6 Cannot find the allocation page <page>.
XSDF7 Newly created page failed to be latched <value>
XSDF8 Cannot find page <page> to reuse.
XSDFB Operation not supported by a read only database
XSDFD Different page image read on 2 I/Os on Page <page>, first image has incorrect checksum, second image has correct checksum. Page images follows: <value> <value>
XSDFF The requested operation failed due to an unexpected exception.
XSDFH Cannot backup the database, got an I/O Exception while writing to the backup container file <fileName>.
XSDFI Error encountered while trying to write data to disk during database recovery. Check that the database disk is not full. If it is then delete unnecessary files, and retry connecting to the database. It is also possible that the file system is read only, or the disk has failed, or some other problem with the media. System encountered error while processing page <page>.
Table 44. Class XSDG: RawStore - Data.Filesystem database
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSDG0 Page <page> could not be read from disk.
XSDG1 Page <page> could not be written to disk, please check if disk is full.
XSDG2 Invalid checksum on Page <page>, expected=<value>, on-disk version=<value>, page dump follows: <value>
XSDG3 Meta-data for Container <containerName> could not be accessed
XSDG5 Database is not in create mode when createFinished is called.
XSDG6 Data segment directory not found in <value> backup during restore. Please make sure that backup copy is the right one and it is not corrupted.
XSDG7 Directory <directoryName> could not be removed during restore. Please make sure that permissions are correct.
XSDG8 Unable to copy directory '<directoryName>' to '<value>' during restore. Please make sure that there is enough space and permissions are correct.
Table 45. Class XSLA: RawStore - Log.Generic database exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSLA0 Cannot flush the log file to disk <value>.
XSLA1 Log Record has been sent to the stream, but it cannot be applied to the store (Object <object>). This may cause recovery problems also.
XSLA2 System will shutdown, got I/O Exception while accessing log file.
XSLA3 Log Corrupted, has invalid data in the log stream.
XSLA4 Cannot write to the log, most likely the log is full. Please delete unnecessary files. It is also possible that the file system is read only, or the disk has failed, or some other problems with the media.
XSLA5 Cannot read log stream for some reason to rollback transaction <0>.
XSLA6 Cannot recover the database.
XSLA7 Cannot redo operation <operation> in the log.
XSLA8 Cannot rollback transaction <value>, trying to compensate <value> operation with <value>
XSLAA The store has been marked for shutdown by an earlier exception.
XSLAB Cannot find log file <logfileName>, please make sure your logDevice property is properly set with the correct path separator for your platform.
XSLAC Database at <value> have incompatible format with the current version of software, it may have been created by or upgraded by a later version.
XSLAD log Record at instant <value> in log file <logfileName> corrupted. Expected log record length <value>, real length <value>.
XSLAE Control file at <value> cannot be written or updated.
XSLAF A Read Only database was created with dirty data buffers.
XSLAH A Read Only database is being updated.
XSLAI Cannot log the checkpoint log record
XSLAJ The logging system has been marked to shut down due to an earlier problem and will not allow any more operations until the system shuts down and restarts.
XSLAK Database has exceeded largest log file number <value>.
XSLAL log record size <value> exceeded the maximum allowable log file size <number>. Error encountered in log file <logfileName>, position <value>
XSLAM Cannot verify database format at <value> due to IOException.
XSLAN Database at <value> has an incompatible format with the current version of the software. The database was created by or upgraded by version <versionNumber>.
XSLAO Recovery failed unexpected problem <value>.
XSLAP Database at <value> is at version <versionNumber>. Beta databases cannot be upgraded,
XSLAQ cannot create log file at directory <directoryName>.
XSLAR Unable to copy log file '<logfileName>' to '<value>' during restore. Please make sure that there is enough space and permissions are correct.
XSLAS Log directory <directoryName> not found in backup during restore. Please make sure that backup copy is the correct one and it is not corrupted.
XSLAT The log directory '<directoryName>' exists. The directory might belong to another database. Check that the location specified for the logDevice attribute is correct.
Table 46. Class XSLB: RawStore - Log.Generic statement exceptions
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSLB1 Log operation <logOperation> encounters error writing itself out to the log stream, this could be caused by an errant log operation or internal log buffer full due to excessively large log operation.
XSLB2 Log operation <logOperation> logging excessive data, it filled up the internal log buffer.
XSLB4 Cannot find truncationLWM <value>.
XSLB5 Illegal truncationLWM instant <value> for truncation point <value>. Legal range is from <value> to <value>.
XSLB6 Trying to log a 0 or -ve length log Record.
XSLB8 Trying to reset a scan to <value>, beyond its limit of <value>.
XSLB9 Cannot issue any more change, log factory has been stopped.
Table 47. Class XSRS: RawStore - protocol.Interface statement
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSRS0 Cannot freeze the database after it is already frozen.
XSRS1 Cannot backup the database to <value>, which is not a directory.
XSRS4 Error renaming file (during backup) from <value> to <value>.
XSRS5 Error copying file (during backup) from <path> to <path>.
XSRS6 Cannot create backup directory <directoryName>.
XSRS7 Backup caught unexpected exception.
XSRS8 Log Device can only be set during database creation time, it cannot be changed on the fly.
XSRS9 Record <recordName> no longer exists
XSRSA Cannot backup the database when unlogged operations are uncommitted. Please commit the transactions with backup blocking operations.
XSRSB Backup cannot be performed in a transaction with uncommitted unlogged operations.
XSRSC Cannot backup the database to <directoryLocation>, it is a database directory.
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSTA2 A transaction was already active, when attempt was made to make another transaction active.
Table 49. Class XSTB: RawStore - Transactions.Basic system
SQLSTATE Message Text
XSTB0 An exception was thrown during transaction abort.
XSTB2 Cannot log transaction changes, maybe trying to write to a read only database.
XSTB3 Cannot abort transaction because the log manager is null, probably due to an earlier error.
XSTB5 Creating database with logging disabled encountered unexpected problem.
XSTB6 Cannot substitute a transaction table with another while one is already in use.
Table 50. Class XXXXX: No SQLSTATE
SQLSTATE Message Text
XXXXX Normal database session close.

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